Collection: Ash David

The artist, of English nationality, attended the Chelsea School of Fine Arts then the Royal College to become a Master of Art. A portraitist, he began painting landscapes and still lifes upon his arrival in France, on the banks of the Loire. His style is a mix of hyperrealism, batik and intricate patterns. He works with watercolor, gouache, inks, watercolor and pastel pencils and pastel on watercolor paper and canvas. This combination of materials makes these works an increased search for the gaze to understand the specificities of the rendering.

Latest distinctions
• Guest Hydronef Longué 2023
• Guest Ste Gemmes sur Loire 2023
• Prize for Best Chemillé Pastel 2022
• Price of the Salon Meslay du Maine 2022
• Saint Aubin de Luigné City Prize 205
• Gorron City Prize, 30th Art Fair, 2022
• Guest of honor La Ménitré in 2018
• Audience Award at Ménitré 2017
• Baune Salon Public Prize 2021
• Guest of honor St Aubin de Luigné 2020
• Guest of Honor BNP 2019
French Galleries
• Gallery of 12 Domfront
• Grande Expo 2023 and 2022 Majestic Gallery Montsûrs
• Galerie la Dome, Saumur
• Hémisphère Saumur Gallery
• Galerie Libre is Art Paris
• Small Gallery, Angers
• La P’tite Galerie Chalonnes sur Loire
• Galerie L’Aubance Brissac-Quincé
• Theater Gallery, Brissac Quincé
• Guy Montis Gallery
Abroad :
• Thumb Gallery London
• Royal Academy of Art London
• Chelsea Arts Club London
• Prix de Rome London
• Royal College of Art London
• Art Workshop Ystad Sweden
• Lakeside Gallery Chelsea London