Donations and sponsorship

The "Majestic Gallery Montsûrs" is an autonomous section of the 1901 law association "Le Majestic" created in 1961.

The section was recognized as being OF GENERAL INTEREST on December 23, 2022.
The actions of the Majestic Gallery Montsûrs, putting contemporary art within everyone's reach, in rural areas, will be perpetuated by the donations from which it can now benefit
The law of August 1, 2003, relating to patronage, associations and foundations, now makes it possible to more systematically encourage private initiatives, whether companies or each of our citizens.
This law applies to all causes of general interest, particularly cultural ones.

The tax incentive is very indicative and applies to both individual and corporate donations.

Donations from individuals

Donations from individuals made to the Majestic Gallery Montsûrs are tax deductible.

This tax reduction is equal to 66% of the payments made during the year.

Payments are taken into account within the limit of 20% of overall net taxable income.

Any surplus can be carried forward under the same conditions over the following five years.

Corporate sponsorship

Companies subject to income or corporate tax can benefit from a tax deduction equal to 60% of the amount of the donation within the limit of a ceiling of 5‰ (5 per thousand) of the annual turnover .

If the company made its donation in the form of sponsorship in kind or skills, by contributing with means (products or services), this contribution is then valued at the cost price, or at the net book value for the elements recorded in the assets of the company.

Skills sponsorship for company employees

Skills sponsorship is a donation in kind: for a company it involves making employees available to an organization of general interest, who will mobilize their skills or their work force for a period of time.

Article 238 bis of the CGI provides that payments made by companies for sponsorship result in a tax reduction equal to 60% of the amount paid within the limit of 0.5% of turnover excluding taxes.

The assessment of the value of the donation giving entitlement to the tax reduction is equal to the cost price of the service or provision. The assessment is simple to establish since it is the cost of the gross hourly salary to which social security contributions must be added multiplied by the number of hours.

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