Member of the Normandie Métiers d'Art association and the Lisieux Academy of Arts, the artist comes from the Boulle school and is a fan of upcycling.
Born in Versailles, she grew up in the Toulouse region before living abroad. But it is in Normandy, in Calvados, that the artist is installed and opened his studio in the heart of the village of Cambremer.
In Barcelona, about thirty years ago, Véronique Chambeau discovered the papier-mâché technique with a Colombian professor of Art Deco. "THE" encounter with this material becomes human, emotional, technical. It becomes the common thread of each creation: "It took me a long time to understand what led me to cover my frames for hours, days, weeks, with these pieces of paper, repeating this same gesture, tirelessly, with regularity and precision ... I ended up understanding that these pieces of paper assembled and superimposed are nothing other than so many bandages placed on a structure which is itself nothing other than myself every time and yet never being the same”.
The papier-mâché sculptures, sometimes gigantic or phantasmagorical, sometimes as fine in their style as they are tortured by the material, exploit an art which sublimates the various traumas and which makes it possible to be reborn through gesture. The signature of the artist are his patinas whatever the subject.
The exploitation of the material makes it possible to integrate others, abandoned or doomed to scrap. Mixing paper with so many other mediums demonstrates that everything can come together. Starting from nothing or not much to imagine, build, develop. Paper mache is an open door to the imagination without borders or taboos. Each project is unique, carried out in the intimacy of the workshop.
A follower of the circular economy before it became one of our priority issues, Véronique was unaware of the concept: "making something beautiful out of ugly" she did not wait for the trend, she has been practicing for thirty years upcycling.