Collection: PERRIGAUD Claudie

Claudie Perrigaud questions the interiority of each living being through her artistic work. Her animal works capture fragments of life and states of mind, revealing a light that highlights both strength and power as well as fragility and vulnerability. Her sculpture materializes the sensitive by exploring the duality of being, symbolized by bold contrasts of materials, textures, colors, full and empty.

The artist begins his creative process by sculpting the sensitive from a wooden block into a block of clay, thus anchoring his art in a deep connection with the earth. His fragmented and broken busts rewrite human narratives, inviting a reconstruction in a more fraternal and compassionate world.

Through the eyes of his sculptures, the artist questions the human inability to cope with contemporary tragedies while aspiring to a broader vision, marked by balance and harmony in the living. This reflection invites us to awaken to the notion of the sensitive, offering an enriched perspective to understand the world around us.